What does Available margin, Used margin and Available cash mean?

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Available Margin:

Available Margin represents the total funds ready for trading on a given day. It’s the amount you can use to place trades.

Available Cash:

Available Cash is the remaining balance from the previous day, carried forward. It serves as the starting point for your daily trading activities.

Used Margin:

Used Margin consists of:

The net funds utilized for executed equity intraday, F&O positional/intraday trading, and delivery orders.

The funds reserved for open orders that are yet to be executed.

The amount shown as the used margin when selling shares or holding open F&O positions.

When positions are squared off, the used margin is credited back to the Available Margin.

If no extra funds were added on a specific trade date and trading activity occurred, you can calculate Available Cash by adding the Available Margin and Used Margin.