What are the charges for SLB transactions?

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What are the charges for CubePlus SLB transactions?

The processing charges for CubePlus SLB transactions comprise 20% of the lending/borrowing price, along with 18% GST. You can verify the lending/borrowing price on CubePlus SLB bids and offers by visiting the NSE website (WEB). The Best Bid column displays the price at which shares can be borrowed, while the Best Offers column shows the price at which shares can be lent.

Example Scenario:

Let’s consider lending 100 shares of BAJAJ-AUTO at a lending price of ₹13 each, as illustrated below. In this case, the charges would be as follows:

A. A processing fee of 20% is applied to the turnover (100×13=1300) = 20% of 1300 = ₹260.

B. 18% GST on the processing fee = 18% of 260 = ₹46.8.

Total CubePlus SLB fees: A+B = ₹306.8.

These charges are directly debited from your CubePlus account when shares are lent or borrowed. Additionally, DP charges are levied if shares are lent using SLB.

For Lender: The charges are deducted from the proceeds credited to the CubePlus account on the day shares are lent.

For Borrower: The charges are debited from the CubePlus account on the day shares are borrowed.