How to set up monthly, fortnightly, weekly or daily stock SIP?

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Log in to CubePlus web.

Navigate to ‘Orders.’

Click on ‘SIP.’

Add symbol to your SIP.

Name your SIP, set the frequency (daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly),

Search for the stock, and define the start day and period.

Remember, the period is determined by the frequency you set.

Once everything is set, click

‘Create,’ and you’re all set!


Log in to CubePlus.

Go to ‘Orders.’

Tap on ‘SIP.’

Then click on “Add SIP”.

Name your SIP, set the frequency, define the start day and period, add scrip, search for scrip and select the required symbol, choose invest by Quantity/Amount, save and create SIP

Alternatively, you can set up SIP directly by selecting the stock / Overview and navigating to SIP in the toggle below volume & ATP in the market depth screen. You’ll find options for Alerts, SIP, Basket, etc. Click on ‘SIP’ and follow the above process.