Where can the list of approved securities be found for SLB?

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The comprehensive list of approved securities for Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) can be accessed (Approved list). The approved securities are categorized into Series A and B, each with specific features:

Series B

Contracts in Series B can be extended for the next 11 months through a process known as rollover. Rollover involves closing the current month’s contract near expiry and extending the position to any available trading month, including the 11th month’s contract, to maintain the position. To execute a rollover, please send a confirmation email to help@TradeJini.com before the F&O expiry date, which is the last Thursday of the month, before 4:00 PM.

In the event of corporate actions such as rights issues, bonuses, or buybacks, the contract will be foreclosed. The shares will be returned to the lender after deducting the lending fees proportionally for the days the contract was open. For example, if ABC shares for the Feb contract are borrowed on Jan 7th, and ABC announces a bonus issue on Jan 15th, the contract will be foreclosed, and the shares will be returned by Jan 15th. However, in the case of corporate actions like dividends, stock splits, or Annual General Meetings (AGMs), the contract will continue to trade.

Series A

Due to concerns related to illiquidity and foreclosures resulting from corporate actions, TradeJini does not permit orders on Series A.