How to short sell shares in equity and futures?

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Equity Trading

Short selling in the Equity (EQ) segment with TradeJini involves placing orders using intraday order types such as MIS (Margin Intraday Square Off) or CO (Cover Order). It’s important to note that short positions in the equity segment cannot be held overnight; they must be squared off on the same day.

If a short position in the equity segment is not closed (bought back) before 3:15 PM, TradeJini will automatically square off the position, and auto square-off charges will be applied.

However, please be aware that the responsibility of squaring off positions rests with the client, not the broker. Failure to square off a short position on the same day, for reasons such as the stock hitting the upper circuit or lack of liquidity, may result in short delivery.

Equity Futures Trading

Shorting a futures contract with TradeJini allows you to carry the position overnight, unlike short selling in the equity segment. To place a sell order for a futures contract, you can use the MIS (for intraday) or NRML (for overnight) product type. If a futures contract is traded using MIS, it must be converted to NRML to carry it overnight or must be squared off before 3:15 PM to avoid auto square-off charges.