Can shares be bought on one exchange and sold on another?

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Yes, you can buy shares on one exchange and sell on another, but this can only be done from the next day (T+1). If you’re looking to square off intraday positions, the exit order must be placed on the same exchange where the shares were bought. If the shares in your TradeJini account are listed on both exchanges, you can sell on one exchange and buy back on the other, but be aware that intraday charges will apply in this case.

Example Scenario:

Let’s say you buy 10 shares of Infosys on NSE on Monday. You can sell them on BSE on Tuesday. If you buy 10 shares of Reliance using the margin intraday square off (MIS) product type and sell them on BSE using MIS, the buy order will not be netted off against the sell order. Instead, a new position will be created.

If both positions are not squared off by 3:20 PM, TradeJini’s risk management team will automatically square off the positions, and an auto square-off charge of ₹50 + 18% GST will be levied.